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A member registered Oct 31, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback. The game was originally supposed to be a platformer with enemies where the player was a retextured link sprite, but I ran out of time so I had to simplify the game. The difficulty was intended as I wanted to make it a short rage game.

Thank you! I added a title screen but didn't have enough time to do much more. In the future I would like to make a game with similar assets and sounds.

I pretty sure 2048 is under copyright so you can't use any of the game for commercial use.

I did another but really didn't care about it and stopped doing it in a little so I consider this my first.

I ran out of time because at about 20 minutes left I was ready to compile but being my first time compiling a program I failed and it didn't work. rip me