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A member registered Aug 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thought: "Sulphuric Memories: Alchemist" for the title, maybe? I don't know how practical it is to change at this point, but that seems to flow a little better in English. 

Thanks for the answer! I think the travelling merchant is a good kind of way to handle time pressure, you want to move fast enough to get the bonus, but it's not run-ending if you don't. 

Question: Is there any time pressure, aside from the travelling merchant and cyclical things like fireflies and shop restocks? Any other quests or events that can just expire if I take too long hanging out in early zones?

Just wanted to say I saw this game and picked it up, and I'm really enjoying it so far! I'm hoping as I get past the earlygame and into mid/lategame that I can learn cool new ways to use alchemy to improve the player character. If that's not a thing, consider that a suggestion! Also, it would be nice if one could leave notes for locations and mark them as cleared so they don't clutter up the list. 

I liked it a lot! Lots of good things in this one

(1 edit)

Thank you! I'm not sure if that's you or if you're just dropping the link (because the usernames are different between here and Twitch). I noticed a small bug, and as I've been thinking about it later I made things be a bit too long and a too tedious. I didn't have all that much time for balance, so I left a lot of numbers at my first thought values. Looking back, I should have made each character's life a bit longer (probably 4 sections instead of 3) and dropped the various requirements by ~20% each. 

Quite good! It wasn't very clear to me at first that each request was tied to the station they spawned near, I expected there to be a "drag this to the recipient" step or something. My second playthrough -- once I figured that out -- gave me a game over when I felt like I was doing well. I think perhaps the requests for "3 human body parts" were looking for *exactly* 3 human parts rather than at least 3 (the game over happened as soon as I submitted a fully-human body to a request for 3 human body parts). That wasn't very clear either, especially because most requests don't care as long as you give them the parts they wanted. Also, had a little trouble discerning orc from zombie sometimes. But don't let all that make you think I'm down on the game, it's very very good! 

I noticed that the text would often mess up, especially when viewed several times. Dialogue boxes would become half gibberish and half-intelligible, and it seemed like it only happened when they opened up multiple times.

I love the protagonist/enemy art, but the gameplay itself seems incredibly unfinished, not sure if something loaded wrong but by the looks of the animated screenshot the things I experienced like walking over the heads of the enemies is normal.

I definitely should have made this ability more obvious, but if you go to the job site with an education it'll tell you exactly you need for the next step