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Waka waka eh eh

A member registered Jan 25, 2024

Recent community posts

you have an eye for quality 

How's the art going?


I know I'm late but maybe a side scene after the region is beat that you will walk in on the pokemon born from the egg fully grown and the explanation will be that pokemon mature very quickly

Also I was more asking on how they felt on their game gaining popularity

I haven't seen any issues so it might be that your brightness is too low

How do you feel about your game being on porn games hub

Damn slinky gotta be a follower of slanesh

understandable take your time and I am just excited to see this come to fruition

How's production going?

Brpd you have done it again already excited for what's next.

Godspeed you legend

Ok just asking so I could  mark my calender

(2 edits)

Can we get a guess on the time frame of the release like a few weeks a month 

When they happen

I wonder when the rest of the game will be out

Deoxys sounds like it's being a pain in the ass

as long as it needs to be

Been here since v 1 and still hyped for more stuff