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A member registered Feb 07, 2022 · View creator page →

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I really enjoyed the concept of your game and I think that you were able to create an interesting story with what you have so far. The writing is definitely the strongest part of your gameplay. *When you enter in full screen mode, the design of the page gets smaller, more stretched out, and shoved to the top of the page. You may want to look at the code to see why this is happening. *The choice of asking the young boy about the night sky made the screen go black and said "access denied". This may have been due to the page not being done yet. I am using Chrome as my browser. #I would suggest adding some more design or imagery to the game so that the user is more immersed. If you could create an interactive image where whichever image is chosen continues the story, I think it could create some variety that would be nice for the user. Good job!

I really like the character and asset art work. They matched well with your concept and were cohesive. #One thing I would add was some sort of instruction or context at the beginning so the player knows what they are meant to be doing, because it took me a bit to figure find an asset and figure it out. #It may be good to speed the character up a bit because if I went the wrong way it took me a long time to get back. Good job!

Really good prototype! I thought the overall concept made for fun gameplay. The art was cohesive and looked really well together, and it functions really well. #A start screen with more specific game instructions would be helpful before play. The notes in the description were helpful but left out details on how to kill the enemies and win the level. *All the enemies come to the player very quickly and I was unable to kill any of them. It may be helpful to try to space it out a bit or have a health bar so you can tell if there is damage begin done. Good job!