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A member registered 52 days ago · View creator page →

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grudziądz jumpscare

epic sauce

cute easy idk i like it

i cant believe youre an actual cat

bitch i def scored more then 3

camera keeps flipping upside down but the game overall is super cool <333

i was once stuck in a night train for 12 hours (it was supposed to be only 5 h drive) it was exactly the same 10/10 ptsd got me good

i'm literally addicted (send help)

oh!!! that makes sense

i have testicular cancer

same here! out of 9 pig only one of them grew after few days lol

amazing game i can feel myself getting better at gambling

damn daniel

is that fucking jerma


eggdog approved


prezes kurwo jebana przestań mi rodzinę prześladować

you're evil and hell awaits you

got stuck in garage what do i do :<

my dad simulator


dog approved

thank you so much for making this game. it really depicts what it's like entering your adulthood with still fresh wounds of your school life. i needed that <33

i missed dress up games like these!! <333