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A member registered Jun 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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felicidades por el juego O_O

Este juego apareció en el showcase de Godot Engine 2020 :D

Thanks for you comment :) I am going to work in the cohesion :P Thanks :)


I can't play for the moment, I am going to try to make a time :( because I can play in android.

I am not use windows :(

10start with
14troop attack
14troop health
5trop velocity

Yes of course :D

But I replay old levels for get more diamonds because the level 8 is very hard, maybe replay the all level for 3 or 4 times :S . The level 8 is very difficult :S

Maybe if you add a infinite mode, I not need replay the levels only for get diamonds :S Is only a sugestion :)

I unlock all the heroes and the mage is ver usefull for the last level

(I have problems with to send images)

Great game I finish the game!! :O

Many thanks for you commet :D

Nice game, but you don't really feel the gratification of passing a level. Maybe there could be prizes or something, I don't know :S

Visually very striking, the music is good :) The interfaces too.

Excellent work :)

Thanks for you comment, maybe I need improve the tutorial xD maybe the blue should give you the mace with the shield.
Thanks :)

Thanks for you comments, and the sugestion too :)

1. Did you find a dungeon?

Yes, I play in my stream, i am furycode in youtube. It's hard to find because the player movement is very slow

2. Did you encounter a Sewer Rat?

Yes, I can kill only 2

3. Was the combat fun?

Not much, you need only do click for that and escape if you can. But maybe need improve, using a shield or other.

I want to emphasise the art, is very cool, but need more music. Maybe interactive music for the dungeons.

Is a cool game only the movement in the overworld is very slow :(


How are the controls? Is everything easy to understand?

Is not very easy to understeand because the available units are not clear when they can be obtained.

Is the Scout already useful?

I don't understeand what is the scout :(

Which plattform do you use? Windows, Linux or Web?

Web. And is slow, in web :(

I don't play much because, the game not hook me :( sorry.

Maybe I am not the target but is that :D

And nice work :D

Hello Jones,

this game is cool, I play in my youtube channel in stream (FuryCode).

I understeand thats is a complex game.

Maybe you can improve your game in:

  • Grid in the map
  • The feeling that art is rare :S
  • The UI is good but, sometimes is complex

You could also introduce the game features more slowly, first trying to hook the player.

But is nice game :D

Hello! I don't understeand the gameplay... Is only a tutorial ?
But is ok, good work!

Maybe you can improve in:

  • graphics! (Respecting the pixel size)
  • make the game more understandable
  • sound effects

Hello, thanks for play my game first!

I play your game in my stream, but is in spanish ...  I am FuryCode in Youtube.

I undesteand that art can be placeholders, but the theme of military maybe are not the correct? because is weird.

Anyways I enjoy the game, and can be improve :)

Some topics:

  • Art
  • Animations
  • Effects

Thanks for the feedback. Yes I will work more on the movement in future updates, thanks for playing :)

Estube jugando la versión web en linux y con el tiempo se va poniendo lento pero se ve bien el juego :D

New Devlog -->

ohh muchas gracias por tu comentario :) ahí iremos sacando updates cada cierto tiempo :P

gracias spirit :D Todavía le falta mucho :P

(1 edit)

Hola disculpen, al parecer no se votaron los juegos entre sí por eso no hubieron resultados. (Me parece) Me comprometo a grabar un Video en mi canal de youtube (FuryCode) para dar una review... Igual pido disculpas de antemano la jam tuvo muy poca participación T_T

Este es mi canal cuando llegue a casa y tenga un poco de tiempo hago una review:

Hola, disculpa la tardanza. Más o menos que no se entendió lo del devlog?

Un devlog es un diario de desarrollo, puedes hacerlo cuando sacas una versión en . El mismo te sugiere que crees un devlog cuando sacas una versión del juego. Un devlog puede ser escrito o puede ser en un video.

Voy a editar un poco para que se entienda mejor.


the game is not complete sorry :(

Very good game congratulation :D

(1 edit)

I want to say, my game is reworked and is not complete :( but in the future I am going to upload more features for my game, and more and more work. :D

I am FuryGames too.

(1 edit)

Download button pls T_T

Va a haber un gameplay de este juego en mi canal de "FuryCode - Desarrollo de Videojuegos Indie"

Va a haber un gameplay de este juego en mi canal de "FuryCode - Desarrollo de Videojuegos Indie"

Va a haber un gameplay de este juego en mi canal de "FuryCode - Desarrollo de Videojuegos Indie"

Va a haber un gameplay de este juego en mi canal de "FuryCode - Desarrollo de Videojuegos Indie"

Estamos trabajando en una próxima versión esperamos solucionar todos los bugs.

muchas gracias tottori :)

Muchas gracias por tu comentario, lo tendremos en cuenta si sacamos una actualización :D

Se agradece un montón este tipo de comentarios :)

Saludos (Disculpa por responder tarde)

Great game, its very funny and hard, poor sheeps, i really hate that wolf.

well it looks slow on my pc, but I had fun flying around the city in a frenzy, good job

22 Crates Lol, nice game bro.

We have a version more stable here.