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A member registered Aug 26, 2022

Recent community posts

This game is fun to play, but why do you keep darkening the screen? I know you want to let us know it's night, just let me play on a bright screen. No one wants to see this blurry dark screen

(1 edit)

Hi, I am a Korean gamer. Many Koreans love the game called Stackland. And I found this game has the potential to be as good as Stackland.

These are my suggestions:
1. I hope there is a boss monster like the devil that is powerful enough to make the player feel accomplished when they beat it. It would be a good idea to find it in a particular area while protecting a particular artifact or summon it through specific combinations.

2. In the game, I found there were many high-tech items such as cars, semiconductors, batteries, etc., but I was disappointed that they weren't much useful. The hospital was a good idea. It would be fun to use batteries and semiconductors to make a greenhouse or a factory that automatically produce food or something with no need of farmers.

3. Later, the inventory quickly fills up and the tiles are easily messed up with resources. I hope there's a way to organize this (ex. a building that can store some resources like the refrigerator, or the ability to scroll up and down the inventory)

4. I think it's a little too much to have three big tabs that give information on screen. It would be nice to be more simplified. (The biggest advantage of your game is its simplicity.) 

5. There is a bug that cannot be pulled out when a knight or archer enters the house. (found in alpha v0.9)

The concept of this game is very good. If you keep adding more content to the game, it will be much greater. Keep it up!