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A member registered Feb 09, 2020 Β· View creator page β†’

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Even without internet I would encourage you to keep up the great work, it is enjoyed. Thanks for your hard work.

I agree with your sentiments about the background and music. I didn't get to them during the Jam. As for the performance I didn't notice anything while running it except the cpu usage was almost 3x what it should be, no optimizations have been done yet but I will be looking into that. Thank you for your feedback!

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The Rotting is the game I made for the jam,  you can check out this pumpkins adventure under submissions or check it out below.

Thanks for the awesome experience, this Jam was a blast and I look forward to doing more of them.


Thats awesome, and you know why? Because that means for your birthday you will have up to 820ish new games to play test! 

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I haven't done much pixel art work but I would love to hear peoples thoughts on this:

It's going to be my main character for this game jam.

oh I like where your mind went on that, will look forward to playing that once it's submitted! I've gone with a metroid style platformer/exploration game, using the "day night cycle" idea to cause lighting to change how you see area's. hopefully it will allow secret areas and stuff depending on time of day!

Back at ya!