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A member registered Sep 12, 2021

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The art is very cute. I really like the style. The animation of the art is done very well and fits nicely with the style. A little bit more definition between the characters and the board would be the cherry on top for the fantastic art and graphics.

The game is easy to play. There is a quick clear "how-to".  It is easy to figure things out in the first level. You can quickly reach a point where you can focus on accomplishing the goal and enjoying the game.

The scaling of the junk food waves has been done very well. It is balanced but it keeps you on your toes. The satisfaction might be my downfall an not the junk food. The Ida scares me for some reason...o_O.

Overall, fun to play, no bugs, amazing and creative art and well composed mechanics. 

Endless mode here I come!