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A member registered 41 days ago · View creator page →

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Your art is very awesome! Is it a pure vector or a mix with raster? Also, is there any ethnic mythology behind the game narrative?

I like the game idea! Controls is a bit not obvious, as GoodSong mentioned earlier. Also, if I press WASD, game displays some debug text, I guess you forgot to remove it.

This game is really hard, good work with providing a guide dog experience through game.

Nice game, visuals is minimalistic but pretty. First location reminded me of TES 4: Oblivion start location in Imperial prison cell, not sure if you meant it. Also, command "help" is not working in the main menu.

Idea of the game is super fun, references to old Doom is very accurate. Good job!

Your game was in "most recent" section

On Itch page screen is about 320px width if you play in window.

Pretty game, very fun to play. I think always take movement speed upgrade is a key to success :D

My best score is 2340, it is pretty hard game, but fun. If you will continue to develop it, maybe it can be interesting to make it rhytm based. The spike flying horizontally was a surprise :D

Love how game looks, very cozy with a bit of darkness.  The mechanics of dying in the right place to be able to go further are also very cool. Personally I miss control hints.

Very beautiful and atmospheric intro. Puzzles is pretty hard too. In game font is a little hard to read.

Interactive tutorial is great, but it was hard to figure out how to defeat orange :D Any way interesting idea. Also, you can change viewport size in page settings, so game will fit page width without fulscreen.

Pretty art and interesting idea. There is a small visual bug with controls hints - if the character is behind the hatch, "E" hint will be rendered bellow the character and will be not visible.

Interesting idea with reflecting projectiles with sword. Also, you can set "Viewport dimensions" in project edit page to make embedded game window fit the page.

Villagers and demons sprites are very similar, it is hard to determine who is enemy and who is friend in the beginning.

Thank you for playing and detailed feedback!

"Eternal Steppe" is an RPG set in Central Asia with turn-based combat. Imagine a mix of The Witcher and Shogun Showdown—that's what I had in mind when designing this game. You play as a famous hunter, whose duty is to defeat the evil creatures of the steppe. Explore the map, talk to locals, fight enemies, and prepare for the final battle.

The game is currently in its prototype stage, featuring one chapter with 5 non-linear quests and a powerful boss at the end. It also showcases unique pixel art and animations.

You can play it directly in browser, any feedback (positive, mixed or negative) is appreciated!

Below, you can see a screenshot from one of the battles.