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A member registered Jan 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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I understand that it wouldn't be for everyone or very high demand , i just think it would be a great feature for players like me who are interested in having non-cis bodys . that's all ^^

(1 edit)

I am a man , but I can not relate to having a dick , so it ruins the immersion to me .  choosing female makes the game talk about having breasts and being a girl , which I also can't relate to. This is why it would be ideal to be able to mix and match parts , and chose what my character is referred to by ( she or he ) . I hope this helps you understand.

Maybe a potion that lets the player change their genitals , so you could chose the male , change your genitals , and still be the male .

Are there any plans to add pronoun/trans options for the player character? I'm very interested in this game but not being able to have the parts I do without being seen as a women ruins the immersion for me. other than that personal issue the game looks great so far though! Love to see nsfw projects like this.