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A member registered Jul 08, 2017 · View creator page →

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Yes, hopefully soon. There's lots I want to improve upon.

Thanks! Would've loved to have added more visual changes and make it more clear what the dice were doing, but ran out of time of course. It'll be in the next version for sure.

Thanks! I am considering expanding on it since I think there's a lot more that could be done. I think it could work as a short roguelike.

Oh yeah, I meant to add a system to make sure you always had a weapon, but I ran of out of time!

Nice job on the art and the idea. Some of the puzzles were pretty difficult.

A smart idea. It seems pretty challenging though. Good job.

Fun! It got less interesting after a while, so it would be cool to add more enemies over time. Great job!

Very nice. Love the fire effects. Would have been cool to have more dangerous enemies.

I'm glad you liked it! Sound/music was something I really wanted to add, but I just ran out of time :/