I love this! I hope to see more this is an amazing idea!
Recent community posts
im sorry i keep just posting more comments! I just finished the first moon and it seems i was kinda wrong. The upgrades do save but the buttons to buy them dont. So you have to rebuy all the ones youve gotten already. Also I am currently stuck here and it doesnt send me back to the map. but trying to leave says it will loose my save. Send help lol
Hello! I just saw and downloaded this game. It seems super cool and I am enjoying it so far but it seems the upgrades dont actually stay when you die? The prices at least all reset and it doesnt seem like the damage or anything stays. Auto shooting still is going off but the upgrade is back and is still buyable. I do keep trying every time I die lol but it seems like it just isnt getting easier to get more of the planet since the second a spider looking guy spawns im dead lol