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A member registered Jan 08, 2017 · View creator page →

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I don't think the save works for windows/pc.

Please take your time because we love the game already.

I gasped audibly when i was allowed a character separate from my sex. what a pleasant surprise!

what a fun game. i'm excited to see what else there is in store!

I absolutely ADORE this game. You have beautiful artwork, backgrounds and soundtracks, engaging story and interesting characters! Also, the 'minor' characters are all distinct and aren't just plot devices like some games use them for.

The references and 'jokes' are pretty smart and well-placed, too. >.>

I absolutely loved it! Rafael is my favorite, but I love everyone. Including Ash. Gods,the variations of dynamic between races are also quite interesting!

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For the new arrivals who are confused about the lack of updates from this game, and possible angry commentors who think they got scammed for some reason:

This game was so good, and very cute! It was also educational (in a creative fanfic kind of way). I finished all the routes, and I found that lil banter in the English route to be hilarious.

By the way, there's a bug in the Photography route where if you won, somehow it loops back into you not winning. Might have missed a jump code.

Either way, thank you for the experience! Keep up the good work. I'd love to experience the final product of the English and Philosophy routes!

(1 edit)

This game is just beautifully crafted. I can't believe it's free for its quality. Honestly, this is one of the best visual novel-types I've ever encountered, even rivalling ones from large companies. The story's amazing, the characters amusing and the protagonist just unique. It's a fresh perspective. I hope I'll see more like this in the future! <3

P.S. If dating sims are gonna be your forte, I commend you for the clever name.

Ah, so he's a slow burn type. Thank you! And keep up the good work.

Queen's Crown community · Created a new topic CG help?

In this current build of the demo, I was wondering if I can know how many of the CGs are available and implemented. I've currently seen two of them (one per romancable) which logic would dictate there's a third one I can't find.

So if it's not too much to ask, how many are there I can find and can you please give me hints on how I can find them?

This game is really fun in this short demo alone. I'm excited to see how the story will progress. It's also worth asking if the servants' names are the Blood God's jokes as being a meme-y fuck, to spite other demons or thought of them as good ideas in the first place.