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A member registered Oct 21, 2017

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Really loving the game, lot of fun with the right group.

Since there is not going to be a sequel and the 'first' game is getting all the updates I would like to make a somewhat large change suggestion, since you're going to be deep in the code anyways: hide Task Completion unless you have the Communications interface up.

I've had so many games run short because an Impostor was found for 'faking a task' and while I admit this is a valid strategy it does not feel true to the spirit of the game because why even have the visual tasks? However the Task Completion  bar can't just be taken away, it's needed to show progress and all. But moving it to be past of Communications serves two goals; making it easier to fake tasks and giving something to do in a section that I feel needs a bit more love.

Anyways, thanks for the really fun game and keeping things running. Now if you'll excuse me I've got wires to fix. (Hate that task so much. Run around the whole darn map... .)