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A member registered Dec 27, 2021

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(1 edit)

I recall seeing some updates on the Steam version of the game a while back, think it might've been a Christmas event so it's been a while, but the last update on the itch version seems to have been back in November, is the itch version just not updated along with the Steam version?

Edit: Just checked and it looks like there was an update for valentines day as well over on Steam. While it doesn't look like there's been anything here for PCs.

Some feedback after just a bit of playing the full release:

First off, the sudden appearance of a fully built town (Linux version at least) which you seem to be aware of based on dev responses on Steam. Hopefully that'll be fixed soon.

Second, just some quality of life stuff, nothing game breaking:
I've noticed that there isn't any option for ultra-wide resolutions, and it might just be my eyes looking for issues that aren't there, but it feels a bit odd using the normal 16x9 resolutions on an ultra-wide display.
And, this isn't too much of an issue either, being able to walk around in the town in story mode using the keyboard is nice but I'm really missing the option to rebind those movement keys as someone who doesn't play WASD.

Got the game through a bundle a while back, but seems like only the Windows version is included here for some reason, shame that.