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A member registered Jun 22, 2022

Recent community posts

Sad to hear that. But that doesn't prevent me from still looking forward to this game, wish you all the best!

(1 edit)

I registered itch for this game because it's really one of the best quality games of the same type I have played so far, and I really want you to know that and keep updating the game. 

I also wanted to ask a possibly selfish question, would you consider putting ETERNUM on Steam in the future? I really want to be able to buy it on Steam and add it to my inventory. But I also found that there may be some copyright elements in the game such as some brand images or names. So I was wondering if you would consider this? 

But anyway thanks for your game, it gave me a perfect experience!

 (Player from China, Google translate, hope the meaning is conveyed correctly)