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A member registered Sep 21, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hey hey!
I'd be interested in joining and helping out, what's your idea for the GameJam if you have one?

Ahh, thank you so much! I would love to work on a project with you! We can discuss further details of the projects in DMs if you like! 

Twitter -
Discord - cptmudcrabiii

Yeah, I'd be happy to help out! If you wish, would you like to take this private messages to discuss the nature of this project?

Choose whichever would work best for you, but these are my socials:
Discord: cptmudcrabiii

Hey all, name's Vespadoc! I am currently looking to join a team as either a Music Producer or Sound Designer to gain hands on experience with videogame music. I am primarily based in Ableton Live 11, and I play guitar and piano. My work varies a bit in style, but I like to stick towards rock based music with synthetic sounds introduced to create an edgy sound-- though I do love to experiment with all sorts of styles and genres! I particularly like to dabble in lofi & ambient, which I feel really allows me to experiment.

Here's some of my relavant works if you're interested:
I Know What You Stand - AC4:A Mix
Battle_1 (Demo) enigma
Ice Level (Demo)

Hey all, name's Vespadoc! I am currently looking to join a team as either a Music Producer or Sound Designer to gain hands on experience with videogame music. I am primarily based in Ableton Live 11, and I play guitar and piano. My work varies a bit in style, but I like to stick towards rock based music with synthetic sounds introduced to create an edgy sound-- though I have worked with various styles ranging from 8-bit, to lofi & ambient, as well as some JRPG-esq type songs. I also have dabbled a tiny bit into sound design and would love to explore that further!

Here's some of my relavant works if you're interested:
I Know What You Stand - AC4:A Mix
Battle_1 (Demo)
Ice Level (Demo)

Hey all, name's Vespadoc! I am currently looking to join a team as either a Music Producer or Sound Designer to gain hands on experience with videogame music. I am primarily based in Ableton Live 11, and I play guitar and piano. My work varies a bit in style, but I like to stick towards rock based music with synthetic sounds introduced to create an edgy sound-- though I have worked with 8-bit, lofi & ambient, as well as some breakcore-type music.

Here's some of my relavant works if you're interested:
Ice Level Demo
Frozen Sunset (Original)