A member registered Sep 28, 2023 · View creator page →
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I didn’t touch the exp gains or anything in the last few updates haha. It probably helped that I added the option to start with a class instead of having to find them in the world.
As for combat balance the next update will be both massive stat overhauls, and complete combat reworks for the classes so balance feedback on the current build won’t be super useful!
For EXP rates, you're supposed to gain experience through doing activities such as questing. The weights for different activities is relative to the main questline, which should keep your main class on level for the quests you're doing!
As more content is added, such as bounty hunting and the endless dungeons, leveling alternate classes will become much easier.
I didn't boost the EXP rates for stuff like popping enemies for the first release since there isn't much in the way of combat in side quests outside of the main storyline, so it felt unnecessary.
Patch 1.0.4 Notes (Edited) + Patreon Notice! comments · Replied to H3lpm1plz in Patch 1.0.4 Notes (Edited) + Patreon Notice! comments
A few of these, mostly the softlocks, have been fixed already in, but the rest will be fixed in the next patch!
As for the rocks, I was working on expanding the map for 1.1.0 & 1.2 since I worked on other content at the same time as the development for 1.0.4, so I put the rocks there as temporary blockades.
Patch 1.0.4 Notes (Edited) + Patreon Notice! comments · Replied to Lucy_Judy_Cruz in Patch 1.0.4 Notes (Edited) + Patreon Notice! comments