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A member registered Sep 28, 2023 · View creator page →

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The Myth of Sisyphus. An Allegory About the Human Condition… | by Ferris  Watt | Medium

I don't plan on it, unfortunately. People have reported having success emulating it on Android using JOIPlay, but that's not something I actively work to make support for.

Okie dokie lol, rip 😔

No to the pregnancy part, but yes to the second part.

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Thanks for the helpful feedback! I’ll up the contrast a fair bit. They were originally distinctly colored but they ended up looking like play-dough.

Thanks for letting me know! 

I'll take a look! Thanks for letting me know!

I didn’t touch the exp gains or anything in the last few updates haha. It probably helped that I added the option to start with a class instead of having to find them in the world.

As for combat balance the next update will be both massive stat overhauls, and complete combat reworks for the classes so balance feedback on the current build won’t be super useful!

I'll make stamina & mana passively recover outside of combat in the next update! Currently you'd need to use items, though.

For EXP rates, you're supposed to gain experience through doing activities such as questing. The weights for different activities is relative to the main questline, which should keep your main class on level for the quests you're doing! 

As more content is added, such as bounty hunting and the endless dungeons, leveling alternate classes will become much easier.

I didn't boost the EXP rates for stuff like popping enemies for the first release since there isn't much in the way of combat in side quests outside of the main storyline, so it felt unnecessary.

Yes, the story will continue in 1.2! The next update (1.1.0)  will focus mostly on expanding the side content & mechanics of the game.
I might add the ability to use blueberry items on npcs eventually, but the current plan is to keep it to romance partners & party members when more are implemented.

Of course! I hope it goes well! ^-^

I'm glad you liked the game! TY for taking the time to leave a comment !<3

The player's max capacity increases with level but there is no visual change, just because it'd require a lot of extra effort for every stage and slow down development significantly. 

I do want to add a "realism" game mode eventually with mechanics such as control loss when a character is inflated, with the use of pins nad such in combat as well. I'm not sure if I'll ever get around to it though.

are you playing on an emulator?

I've gotten a few reports for this issue, and I'm looking into it! That said, it'll probably take a while for me to fully pinpoint what is causing it.

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If you have previously completed a few of the sidequests that were broken, you'll need to start a new save to be able to complete them. Otherwise, it should be fine to use an old save!

hit Q & select the "basic pump" then hit C on them.

A few of these, mostly the softlocks, have been fixed already in, but the rest will be fixed in the next patch!
As for the rocks, I was working on expanding the map for 1.1.0 & 1.2 since I worked on other content at the same time as the development for 1.0.4, so I put the rocks there as temporary blockades.

I'm not sure how to use JOIplay, as I don't officially support it, but some people in the Discord got it working by messing with the settings for plugins. I can't provide any help myself though, since I haven't used it. Sorry!

I plan on keeping them in a pixelated style for the time being, just to better match the sprites of the enemies. I might scale them up at some point to be higher resolution, though.

Thank you for the kind words! And yeah, it is very buggy ATM. The next update will fix a LOT of bugs though.

And sure, feel free to leave any suggestions or feedback that you'd like!

I do plan on adding one! I have the maps organized into a map already, it's just a matter of stylizing it to fit the game world in a manner I like. You can expect one in 1.1 or 1.2!

TYSM for the encouragement! <3

It's not, but the content from it will be remastered and added into the base game within a few updates.

No, it's an entirely new folder.

Drats, thought I fixed it last patch. Thank you for letting me know!

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You'll need to visit the benches in a smithy to craft ammo! You can craft them at the little anvil in the smithy in Greeha or Auris village.

Edit: I noticed the normal type aren't currently craftable. I'll fix that in a hotfix later this evening!

Thank you for taking the time to leave a positive comment ^_^

That's intentional! They remove the status and the juice inside you.

It’ll be fixed in the next patch later tonight!

I believe that is due to you having a version of Java that RPG Maker MV doesn't support. 

I plan on adding kitsune characters as a special gamemode sometime in the future!

Sorry! I took it down for about 20 minutes since it was so glitchy and needed some emergency fixes! It's back up now :)

Not a bad idea! I may implement it at some point as an optional toggle.



If you're referring to it looking different from previews posted on other websites this is because this is a much older version of the game, before textures were redone/improved for the upcoming release :P

It's unbeatable, that's the end of the demo :P

You can play the game on emulators like Joiplay!

I added the patch notes to the bottom of the page description!