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A member registered Jan 28, 2022 · View creator page →

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The game was really completed. And I am so glad that it kept the wall jump from Necroid. The music and artwork were really consistent and detailed and I was really surprised by the armor of the character. The only suggestion I have right now is to probably add some background introduction. It is overall a great game, and I wish it can be published as soon as possible lol.

I love the whole story!!! It reminds of the game Detroit: Becoming Human. I think this game is really completed and is ready to be published. Also, I really love the minigames, since it is rare to see minigame in this type of game, and I think that is a great innovation. My only suggestion is to give player options to start in the middle of the story . Overall an excellent and amazing game!!!

Overall a great game! I love the idea of eating enough food. And the music really matched with the art style. The game reminds me of Overcooked, although they are not similar at all. But both Overcooked and this game are the kind of game I like and I did really enjoyed it. My only suggestion is to add some animation to make it more completed. 

I LOVE the game! The idea of matching each level with an emotion. The assets, music and lights used in each level were consistency with the emotion.  The storytelling is so completed considering it is a three week long project. Great game!

Overall a great game! I really like the background music as well as the dog knight character because they both match with the dungeon.(I don't know why but I feel the dog knight fits with it lol). My only suggestion is to change the camera angle to make it a little bit more top-down. Well done!!!

A great game! I really love the puzzle and the bomb part. You guys made really good enemy AI design. When I was playing the game, I really enjoyed escaping from the guards. The whole story of the game and level designs were perfect and professional as well. Overall a great game!

Although the game is a little hard for me, I really love the game! The sprites was so cute and the animation was really fancy. My only suggestion must be to lower the difficulty, but it is overall a really nice game. I mean, just as last comment said, who doesn't love space cowboys lol!!!

The achievement was really impressive!! I really love the music and the sprites. The smile of the character was so cute lol. The game is so great. The only suggestion I have is to make the texts a little bigger. But overall a really enjoyable and amazing game!

The idea of the game is fantastic. I really love the background music, which is so consistent with the story of the game.

The game is so cool and I really love the idea of two different way of attacking. The sprites are really detailed and consistent and fit with the background. The design of difficulty is super great and smooth. To sum up, I really love it!!!

I really like the music and the idea of homing attack. Although it was a little difficult for me to get used to it. I really enjoyed playing it. Also, the artwork and level design is great.

I was really impressed by the wall jump, which makes the game unique from other platformer games. The artwork is really fancy and detailed, and I just can't help to replay again and again lol.

The game looks so completed and I was really impressed by the conversation with the NPC. It reminds some old RPG games I played. Also, I like the different design for each level!! Great game!!! I am really looking forward for updates and new levels!