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Vax Kun

A member registered Dec 21, 2017 · View creator page →

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Will hopefully be updated when the 1.0 gets out and we get new cosmetics! :D

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Hm thats kinda strange, since the new version just includes the last panel and i doesnt execute anything on update, gonna check some things, in case i touched something i forgot.

Although i didnt made a proper optimization stage because i wanted to investigate on saving fits, i will be now

0.5.0 is live! It should save the fits even if i update the game, feel free to test it out ^^

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EDIT: Looks like ive succesfully implemented it for updates, so im planning to bring it on 0.5 soon ^^

Yea i wanted to, but since is WebGL, everytime i update it, it has the playerPrefs clear, so i think im going to use something, so the user can copy a code for that outfit and have it on a bloc or something :S.

WebGL is limited AF, and i think a log in system is too much overkill for this app XD

Have a good day!