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A member registered May 20, 2021

Recent community posts

I did join the patreon a few days ago, and I've been trying to spread word about this project with friends and in communities that I think will appreciate it. I do have a question about the demo. It's unrelated to the shield and heavy attack topic. Why are there so many Credits in the demo? I think I've found 4 of them now. I also found a second Fire Mask underneath the map while floating around. Are the credits just a place holder item while you're working on stuff? Have they always been there and I just don't remember them? 

This is incredible work. Did you borrow or repurpose some of the sword magic animations for the added sword mechanics, or did you cook those up from scratch? The bastard sword defence/counter animation made me think of Seath's Sword's invincibility mode is why I ask. I am having so much fun with this demo! You do not receive the attention or praise you deserve, but the level of dedication and skill here is not lost on me. Thank you for keeping this alive and well.