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That I probably can't do anything about :(

RPG Maker builds the projects mainly for windows.

Balancing the game economy is hard, but for now I'd like to keep it roughly where it is now. I prefer the situation where the player cannot over-buy things incl. equipment. The game does give you a lot of free nuggets and coffee, even if some of them can be a bit hidden. Plus the game isn't that hard at this point and I myself have had little need to buy healing items on my test playthroughs.

There will be a healer character in v2 which lessens the importance of healing items further, and monsters will also drop more money as the game progresses. 

Oh wow, if this is true I'm surprised nobody else has found this. If I can replicate this today I'll make a hotfix out of it. Meanwhile it's best to play the game in the intended order of joining the agency -> spend a night with Erika/Quinn -> get a quest from Erika to find Rose & Lily.

I personally think that it does indeed halve the encounter rate, but the random encounter system is completely based on rng, so even with the ring you might get a fight and then another after 3 steps or so. The base encounter rate is a fight every 30 steps, so with the ring it should be 60.


Have you visited the local inn after checking the trapdoor? Lily should be at the left-most room.

It will be like early access games so you only pay once and then you're entitled to all the rest. I won't raise the price either as time goes on.

Thanks for the info~ Thankfully there's nothing of interest there currently, but I'll block it in some future patch. :D

Unless I have some unforeseen bug in v1, yes they will.

I will eventually upload CG image sets for people who just want the art. :3

Thanks for the note. This apparently happens when going to the cart straight without talking to the merchant. As far as I can see you can't trade the infinite gemstones to infinite magic rings, so I'll fix this later. :3

Thanks for feedback! Elegant Spin should be a valid opening move in fights with >2 enemies, and currently it's one of the few AoE attacks any party member has. I will most likely make Lily attack as fast in the v2 release at least. I will also add a repellent consumable or accessory by then. :3

Thanks. There's (currently) no gameover scenes in a way where the game ends by failing a puzzle or making a wrong choice. I think those make more sense in visual novels or puzzle games, but in an RPG it may disrupt the game flow unless the choice is VERY clearly game ending. I might add a bad ending or two.

I think it says in the description. VX Ace.

Unfortunately no since I'm not an animator and that would add to my already massive workload of drawing art for the game.

There will be more or less of those, but due to the suits making everyone a bit needy, I'm not sure if any scene will be truly non-con.

More like feminine boys~

(1 edit)

Thank you. I'll check it.


I'm hoping to get more out during the summer.


Either here in comments, the email that is in the description (for longer feedback) or DM me on twitter (link in my profile).