I'm with Azure on this.
You cant just keep altering the prices to try and take money from users again, either set the price properly or use a alternative source for early access like patreon and the like.
You are essentially punishing those who are here to support you.
Recent community posts
Yea as some others have mentioned, Risk Dice is severely bugged. I can only play the first round after that i cannot select the dice anymore.
I've done all the normal quests stuff, seen all of Mia's story but i cant get that Greenhaven cards one or progress to the harder risk dice, I reverted to 1.0 so i've done the first risk dice game several times but the game isnt progressing.
tbh the breast slider configuration thing was a big reason i bought this game and despite having unlocked customization its not in there despite being shown on the game page.
Would be great if one was told where the save file gets stored so i could possibly adjust the save myself but i cannot find it anywhere in appdata or any documents folders.
Thats a little bit sad to hear while understandable, Happy to know the doors open if you decide to look at it in the future! It all sounds very promising, As long as there is plenty of good expansion content i'm generally happy!
Hoping there is plans to have her straight up grow massive at some point! :D
Prepurchased just now, Looking forward to seeing the full release!