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A member registered Mar 04, 2018 · View creator page →

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Runs great on Windows!

Hm? It's the opposite. Most port platformers have porn for LOSING the game, which is extremely annoying.

Oh you can rebind? I didn't check that out actually, hadn't realised you could. How is money generated/collectors btw?

We have a few inspirations more based on the individual developer. Arbuz is looking back at his favourites, Baldurs Gate 2, Fallout 1 and Fallout 2, Divinity OS2. I personally look back at games like Shadowrun, Fallout 1&2, Final Fantasy Tactics, Nier Automata etc. Every developer has their own inspirations to what they work by. Even from board games like Kingdom Death.

However, we're not attempting to adapt or take anyone else's world or stories of course. We've more or less focused on learning lessons taught from other things and applying those lessons and some of the ideas that stuck with us over the years. The world for instance is completely ground up out own.

I love the art here and the writing is pretty sexy too. I don't always gentle femdom, but when I do gentlefemdom, I prefer thigh-high socks.

But the controls... these controls! Gah, and money? What/where do I get money from? And again the controls are so weird. C should be attack, V should be block, make a separate key for B. You should be able to use your cursor in-store menus or better define now to navigate the menus.

The art is absolutely fantastic and I want more but the controls are fighting me every step of the way.

If you guys ever wanna chat pop by the Team Dead Deer discord! Arbuz is a massive fan of your art and I love the game itself, combat is pretty fun and good now! Great update on that.

I'm Commander Valaska and this is one of my favourite VN's on the citadelk. No, seriously, this is just downright one of the best right up there with Aurelia, What A Legend, and co.

I'd love to see the story/main plot get as good as the comedy and art. I think it has a chance! There's this river Styx-like scene in one of the bits of side content and it legitimately had me interested.

Lol, I used] to write for a local newspaper and such, and worked on a couple AA titles before that. I feel like my work is being better used now.

Thanks a ton for the support <3. But yeah I get wanting to go over and redo something to get it just right. I had to just learn to let it go and move forward, I was forced to really. The first build we made we had only 7 days to get the entire first quest done! So that meant I had to just write and instead of going back and changing it over and over like I used to do... I just did as good as I could and pushed forward.

I've constantly dabbled with going back and re-doing a lot of stuff. But it just... kills progress and momentum on new content. So We hired on a proof reader and I just push forward. I'll be watching your stuff as always, super excited to see what you come up with! Love your art and your games are usually really crispy and nice. All the best wishes and luck to you.

"Other than that I've been working on the cum scenes for the anal scene. I didn't like how the "cum in" animation was going to I'm kind of restarting it."

Moxy... I am a developer over ad TDD with Price For Freedom, girl... you need to stop restarting things and just move forward at this point. Trust me, when you get actual forward momentum this project is going to take off. But if you keep going backwards and re-doing things instead of moving forward you will never make actual progress.

Hoping for all the best for you and the project.