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A member registered Jun 16, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback, we're glad you liked the game :)

(1 edit)

Thank you so much for playing and making a video for it, omg! We could put so many heart emojis here, but you're probably all emoji'd out by now.

There seems indeed to be a glitch for the scores, we have a couple of ideas what it might be. Btw, awesome getting four thumbsup! Even our devs couldn't get that high in some testing, lol.

But we loved your commentary throughout the game! Even though you seemed very confused about their emojis at times, you did in fact very well grasp the jist of their problems.

Right now we're burned out from the GGJ, but that glitch is an easy fix. Thanks for bringing it to our attention!

Hi, thanks for your feedback. We are not quite sure what you mean by the lag problems, so could you elaborate more?

Thanks for your heartfelt feedback!  We're so happy to hear that our game resonated with you ^_^ The full game has a lot more to the story and it should be out this month, so we hope you'll give it a shot as well.

We'll see what we can do while still using sprite animations :)

Thanks for the comment, It is good hear hear you liked the game! We have already made some optimization based on the feedback, but may I ask which phone are you using and what kind of lag is happening as it helps us with troubleshooting :)

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We would love you guys to download the game, get involved with #anxietyofalina and tell us what you think! All #feedback – whether good or bad – will be appreciated. 😘⠀