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A member registered Mar 20, 2019 · View creator page →

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this game made me brainstorm with hundreds of theories, like maybe the bus wasnt really real and it was a psychological view into Nao's mind, maybe the entity was his desire to push people away so nobody abandons him, but the ending made me rethink everything lol! great game

omg its tomorrow! im so excited, can you tell us when will the full game be out?

i enjoyed the game and especially the art, im only kinda disappointed that its not really straight-forward: i had to check the walkthrough again and again because i didnt know what to do next.

in the next games try to give some hints maybe :(

this was such an experience! for the first time in my life i felt understood, i also didnt know what trichotillomania was for a long time and i remember everyone making fun of me for it, even my teachers. it's such an awesome short game and i liked it a lot, sending all of my love and support to u!!

this was very cute and it hit home, not everyone gets a happy ending like that, i probably wont, but im glad abby (even though she's a fictional character) did

very relatable, while i was thinking about the choices to make i was giving them some sort of advice and it made me think "why can i give them advice but i cant follow it myself?"


there isn't a download link, its just in browser. at the top where it says calculus blah blah, the bold lines are choices you can make… i think

i just downloaded this, im so excited since im really into astrology !!