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A member registered Dec 13, 2023

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yo please keep updating this game and not have it be a one time project, this game would be exponentially better if you added some form of PERMA PROGRESSION (e.g. in each run you get a score system/currency and after the run you are able to use said currency to buy permanent upgrades like HP or damage, you could do this by adding a menu at the start of the game) as right now it has little replay value.

another thing that would be awesome is that for the smiley boss you make it so the dudes head is ALWAYS on top of other tabs, its kinda annoying when i just cant damage him because my main tab is overlapping his head :(

and uh yeah my best run so far is 56 minutes survived and late game kinda sucks because you just be taking damage randomly even if i hard focus on dodging its basically impossible, this makes your hp constantly drain and forces you to look for the HP upgrades in the shop or spend your stars on HP which prevents you from actually getting stronger - this can once again be fixed by adding perma progression or just making the upgrades more impactful

you could add loads more upgrades and get hella creative with them, this game has so much potential. sadly rn a lot of the upgrades are kinda wack and dont actually have a big impact, only when you stack them loads. i would suggest buffing some upgrades (homing, freeze, fire rate, etc) or add a way to level up the upgrades/unlock new upgrades as perma progression

and uh yeah thats all i have to say this game is hella cool and you could get so creative with it, this has so much potential and if you spend a lot of time on this project you could probably make this into a proper fleshed out game that could reach a large audience :) keep up the good work