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A member registered Dec 16, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you both for replying!

When trying to run jesterking_demo I get this error:

(jesterking_demo:1807): Pango-ERROR **: 22:45:07.115: Harfbuzz version too old (1.4.2)  
Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)

To my knowledge I have version 2.6.4-1ubuntu4 installed (on Ubuntu 20.04).

I might try the app and see if that fixes things

Hi, I'd like to try out the Linux demo but now I've extracted it I have no idea how to launch it. Is there a particular file or program i need to launch it through? Thanks

Will there be a Linux version in the future? After checking out the main game, I'm basically like "Shut up and take my money", haha

(1 edit)

Nvm got it working, looks great!

I'd be super happy with a revamped Ch 1-4! I've thoroughly enjoyed playing this beautiful game as it is, but I would love to see a version you've had the time and resources to be truly satisfied with. Thank you for making this awesome game!