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A member registered Jun 30, 2021

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I played this game a few months ago and still can't let it go. I'm enjoying  it A LOT, really! Just wanted to leave a brief comment to show my support and I'll be patiently waiting for updates~ Thanks for developing such a wholesome and fun game :D

Oh! I did read that on the post but I guess I got confused while reading the art credits! Anyways, can´t wait for the prequel~ :D

(5 edits)

Hey! I just finished playing the whole thing for the first time! The spoilers will be at the end, this part is to ask if anyone could help me with a problem.

So, throughout the whole game the ending images wouldn't load. I always got an error screen that said "Loading error: Failed to load..." and the name of the file (the image, i assume). Idk why this happens so if anyone could help me I'd appreciate it!

*This next part will contain SPOILERS so pleaSE DON't read if u don't wanna get anything spoiled*

I really enjoyed playing it omg. All the little notes and references were adorable, and the way they all talked about eachother warmed my heart. I liked how the crystals represented each one of them, and tried to guess which one was whose. I got most of them right! I also thought it was very funny how Jisung tried to write Wow again... and the remorse when he got his memories back. And the little puzzles after going to Minho's place were fun too! Idk, overall I enjoyed playing it a lot~ 

I'm very curious about the real ending tho, but I'm usually very bad at RPGS (as you can see, I got the ending in which Chan sacrificed his very existence for the boys to go back- couldn't stop crying. He'd absolutely do that for them if he thought there was no other way so that's exactly what got me into tears. Besides, CAN YOU IMAGINE A WORLD IN WHICH HE DOESN'T EXIST??? no i don't wanna live there) so I reloaded, chose the right option and got the Good endindg 1. But still........ I'm not satisfied, I need to know (knower? knoer??) the REAL one. BUT I DON'T KNOW HOW TO GET ITTTT AND THERE'S NO WALKTHROUGH YETTT ADMKLDASJD I need to replay it but I'm scared to make the same mistakes all over again and end up with the same endings haha.

I'm still thinking about why I chose the skz postcard. I knew in my heart it wasn't the right one but I thought "Oh well, I wanna see every ending anyway so it doesn't matter". It did matter now I'm scarred (just kidding, just being dramatic lol). I really didn't think I would cry.

It's 03:30 am so I should go to sleep but I'm still thinking about that REAL ending... .... .......