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A member registered Aug 07, 2020

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Ty! Worked a treat!

Cool peice! I do think you could have a similar effect with just creating variations of the instruments  for different velocity levels :)

(1 edit)

In regards to automating the FM voice.  Speaking from the perspective of someone who loves FM/PM, has developed FM synths from the ground up and has extensive sound design experience on operator,  FM8 and DX7s - the FM synth won't do smooth automation well, it's operators like to be set at sweet spots and left there. The synth won't really do expressive automation well. The only thing automation would be good for is, SFX and sample and hold type sequences.  So I think the opportunity cost vs additional functionality wouldn't be worth it on the devs part. For the most part if you want variation on a sound just copy pasta and tweak the parameters.

Hi Cedric,

Thanks for creating this tool,  the matrix FM synth is a dream. I love how it gives the freedom to design your own algorithm.

I'm struggling to add a new pattern, and any help would be much appreciated . 

If I press [shift] + [>]  I can add a new column to the pattern sequencer however, I'm not sure how to create a new pattern. If I press '=' or  ' - ',   it will only default to pattern index '0'.  I'm not sure if I'm doing anything wrong  and there's something I need to do to create a new pattern or if it's a just bug with the Linux port. 

Thanks for your time :)