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A member registered 48 days ago

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I'm using pc. When I try opening the Quest file it asks if I want to open it using a drawing engine, notepad or Visual Studios 2019 (it's used to code games).

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So I die in hallway when I first meet her then I have to die in that small room right?

Edit: I think I got it. The error spirit digests the entire school right? That is the special ending right?

I have beaten the game and I think I have gotten pretty much every ending. But while following the guide to complet the game I noticed something. It said special ending and the text seemed distorted so I am guessing it's connected to the error spirit. I did what the guide told me but nothing happened.

Is this an actual ending or have I done something wrong? Would really need a more clear guidence, can you explain this Egads? Help would be really appreciated!

How do I download? I downloaded Alien_forcefeed 0.8 and I got a Quest file. But when I try to open it it gives me optiones to use apps that could be used to write text or code something (game or app). I also can't extract it so what am I suppost to do? Do I have to use quest kit download?

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I played the game and found a game developer inside the game, I played his game and quickly realized there is only EP 1-1 and Ep 1-2. Is this something recently added or has it been like this for a while as I want Ep 2-1.

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Ok, I understand. As for your tip on the Lamia... That is exactly what I am doing, she sleeps and I try to escape, my lust goes through the roof once I exit second stomache and I have to deal with that otherwise Amelia is not focused on escape. But when I do get rid of it I need to replensh my energy and thats where it just gets super annoying. That moment the Lamia usally wakes up and my escape odds are 1/1000 and if I wait for her to fall asleep she will just use a lust spell that makes me have to get rid of lust or resist the spell and I have to rest after that but she always takes advantage of my low energy to send me back down to her second stomache and if she doesn't then she will try this dumb combo three times in a row and I can't avoid that many times.

I had to restart after being stuck for hours IRL! Ok maybe like 1.5h but still!

Sorry if this is really long.

Review: The game is fun and not bad but could you make it possible for Amelia to also vore the consentional Predators?

Also Idk if it already exists but could you add a gameover? It would be more intresting if you could get digested if you stay in the stomache for to long. Of course digestion would have to be halted when extracting essence otherwise I don't think the game would even be beatable.

Bug/Issue?: Btw I was eaten by Lamia and it's impossible to escape. If I get into her first stomache she would just send me back down to the second stomache before I can recover my energy and get rid of my lust. Because as I understand lust descreases escape chance. Could you make this Apex Pred easier? She is just terribly rng based.