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A member registered Feb 02, 2019

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(1 edit)

There are two error outputs (with a bunch of warnings) in the console that might be relevant:

Error: Promised response from onMessage listener went out of scope 3 background.js:931:170


Cross-Origin request blocked

Tried the web version on my Macbook Air (2015 model, i5, 8 GB, macOS Monterey). With Safari the page crashed and reloads, with Firefox the loading screen freezes at a certain stage. I can't see any unusual CPU or RAM usage spikes prior to crash.

I will check it soon. Upgrade is not an option since fglrx is dropped in newer distros and open source AMD driver is suboptimal with old GPUs. Also the web version isn't working on that specific device because it's too weak for that.

I tried to run it on an old Linux laptop (Debian 8, can't use newer because of old ATi graphics and fglrx driver) and it failed with the following output:

No Mac? :(

Tried the Android version. 

This game is crap