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A member registered Dec 24, 2021

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Dont overtax yourself Hyao, it is better for everyone if you not burn yourself out, take break and eat bread or whatever you need.

Get sandwich from toilet in school and use on Monika in her room.

Some days only. Just try on and you get it eventually.

i am almost sure there will be much more.

Well time to scratch some money for full version for future.

Btw are you closer or further from half or full storyline?

Several hours (15-25 probably) for free version much more with patreon one.

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Probably something on line of too weak computer or some programcwhich work beside it dont like it. For me game works well and i dont had any crashes. Some overall spec of you computer?

Powerhouse of author always having great content month by month . Great stuff .

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This is one of dozen games i want to follow on site, good writing ,good drawing, good everything. Kudos to you author. Sadly i will not be able to support you with cash as i am rn looking for work and Covid time was not gentle for me in term of money. At least to point i dont find new work.

i specifically made account for this and 5 other games to have eyes on them. Great job bro and hope we will get more stuff soon and your purse will be full.