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A member registered Jan 27, 2023 · View creator page →

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Cool, but I didn't really get what to do control wise?

Interesting, but the camera view makes me a little motion sick?

Interesting initially, but there's a lot of downtime between the player getting to do something, and this could have been better explained to begin with? You don't really get that the feathers are for upgrading at first, which could be improved on.

Your game isn't playable because I can't open it? You need to put these files in a zip folder!

The concept of the player skipping a floor if they do well enough is an interesting positive feedback loop, but the formatting of your page is a little confusing?

A cool concept, but it feels like some aspects of it are out of place? Is a monk going to find cops on a mountain?

A fun concept, but the screen shake is a bit much, especially if it gets bugged and starts shaking permanently.

What is this supposed to do?