Thanks so much!!! Ill be pending for the reupload then :D Have a nice day!!!
Recent community posts
Thanks for answering back, what I meant is this from my video capture from below:
The Jaguar in most of the animations is bouncing up and down and not staying still (Hence trespassing the ground)
Can you please upload a version were the Jaguar is not bouncing up and down? I tried all the versions you attached in asset already.
Thanks so much! Will keep in touch to purchase your more recent packs as well :D
Excellent ambience the atmosphere gives me so much "The Thing" vibes, it really captures the claustrophobia and loneliness experienced being an outcast in Antarctica.
The puzzles are truly creative and the struggle to finish them asap feels reaaaal.
The graphics throw me back to the era where PS2 & PS1 games truly haunted my childhood, and the unknown origins of the monster really makes you question what happened to the rest of the crew.
I loved the end where you actually don't know what happens to the tape owner, and the sudden fall at the end makes you want to play more to get more context.
If there happens to be a sequel, I will be more than happy to play it as well!
I can happily recommend this game since I actually got scared more than a couple of times haha! If you like "Found footage media" This is a must try! Give it a try you wont regret it :D