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A member registered Jan 28, 2021

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Oh, after this game i had mixed feelings, so it took a couple of days to gather my thoughts and write a comment. Firstly, Lydia, thanks a lot for your game! It means a lot to me.

I`ve never thought that a pixel game can cause a lot of thoughts and various feelings! I`ve played a midnight train since 1 ch and i can`t believe it has been... around 2 years? Honestly, i was crying at the end (when Luna got to the train without Neil). I admire how she kept smile after all she lost and found. 

I`m so glad everything is fine. I love all the characters(´ ω `♡) They will be great friends. 

Also I can`t hide that some dialogues were imbued with important words and very deep meaning.(About the severity of the crime and the second chance.) I am very amazed by the thoughts that are stored in your head and fill the games. I'm so glad I got to play Midnight train. 

Thank you. It was an unforgettable experience! I will support you in your drawing! It has improved a lot since Aria`s story.