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A member registered Jan 23, 2019

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(2 edits)

Hello there! ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔฅ

If problems/delays arise (or just to cut it short! <3), just know that i'm (and so, maybe many other) very okay with the full game Ms-Pacman without any demo for Super-Pacman in it for PC. (like it was for Ms-Pacman, having it's own stand-alone demo on its dedicated page!)

A demo is programming partially a full game almost (if it is way different than the game base), and if androïd version has a separated one already, why not separate the PC one too to ease/accelerate things up? Just an idea though. ʕ•ᴥᵕ ʔ

Big Thanks like always, for quality free classic games of Pac-Man ʕ♥ᴥ♥ʔ (you got me twice with your april jokes, ...are you a toon maybe?! ʕᵔᴥᵔ࣢ʔ )

I see how it is! Good one guys...

(2 edits)

thankz a lot for a full screen solution! ʕづ•ᴥ•ʔづ♥

(and yeah, i noticed too that the first enhanced maze was quite hard! ʕ→ᴥ←ʔ Good balancing on that!)

(1 edit)

I notice some lag here and there when 5 ghost are enable; seems to me that a routine is creating extra CPU load for nothing. (could be worth checking for a smooth experience on win10)

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Yeah! would like an option to choose sprite for 1p too! <3

(1 edit)

Please bring back the resizable windows! (for us, connoisseurs! ʕ✧ᴥ✧ʔ)

(or a fullscreen mode instead!)

Agreed 100%.

Take your time surely. This would be purely a gift at this point.<3.

But i like the simple "sprites" swaps that add customization! (and emojis are already "designed", so you can add all that quickly without copyrights! Big brain move!) with random mazes, it is a little jewel game on a ring! 

It could have a life on its own for a quick PC game i'm guessing. I search large for new pac-man twists on internet, and i never saw something like you did... so yeah. I recommend! ;-)

Yes, i saw! i wanted to say "Stand-alone PC version to download" here! ʕ→ᴥ←ʔ (and changeable skins for PC too would be nice, if i may dare! ʕ ᵔᴥᵔ ʔ) Would love to keep that on my PC for a quick game! ₍ᐢ•ﻌ•ᐢ₎

Good fluidity, random generation, sounds... (and you solved the timer on frightened-ghosts not being accurate for gameplay, with a new form of increased blinking! Nice!) Well done! (and without botching the original game! Respect.)

very fluid.

pretty nice and smooth. well done.

Interesting, but you must fix the collision with walls and turns for pacman to never get it stuck dead in its tracks.

(12 edits)

Honestly so GrEaT & fluid, it could be the next commercial game beyond Jr-Pacman! ʕ✧ᴥ✧ʔ [2P sure is fun!]

Dodge-roll mechanics is genius! (and balanced)... can act as a speed boost, a frenzy/gobbling dash on frightened-ghost, an active way to phase through one or two close ghosts in a corridor... (but near turns or with many ghost surrounding you, it requires some finesse! <3 but it skips pellets to have a downside! ...try to do an epic rebound-roll if a ghost is tailing you close, or a "phasing-chomp" if a frightened-ghost is hiding near a normal one... for a confidence boost! ʕ→ᴥ←ʔ) 

Lotery system (write PACMAN when eating ghosts) is quite the find and a nice refreshing twist. It breaks the normal timing of a routine with power-pellets in order to acquire precious lives long term. The 2 fruits random pathing per maze with "slow pellets" opens a lot of strategies. ʕ•ᴥᵕʔ

Nice simple options with "turbo/boost", a 5th ghost, no flashing when powered (thanks the dev for that), side graphics on/off (less distracting), sounds/music balancing, fullscreen, and the choice for the starting level among others.


The only thing it could use/add is accessibility for casual gaming IMO: 

-An easy-mode (with 25/50% speed decrease for all levels, feeling slow but not sluggish) + no dodge-roll bounce on walls to make it easier to master later (and maybe +30% fright-time each levels, blocked at 1sec [not 0] in the harder levels & x2/x3 longer time in the center-box for the ghostz, to breath better).... for only 50% scoring (or another score-board entirely if problematic to compare ʕᵔᴥᵔ࣢ʔ)

-An option maybe to "pac-boost" only when pushing a button (i recommend z, and if maintained Doge-Roll trigger but the top/some speed is conserved unless z is released later; should be good/simple and interesting?! to learn and master, use at a minimum etc...) to speed up as needed and be dynamic (in that "fancy-turbo" mode, like many versions of pac-man have, "Tengen" for example)

(Side-graphics and fruits in the maze could need a modern/crisp relooking [not nice/polished 2D-3D like the rest], but with the AI trend it should be easy to do! A fan could do it too <3)

But F#@$ing good job on this game, i'm baffled! ʕ♡ᴥ♡ʔ Free indeed, it's no short of amazing! (could get a price tag on Steam at around 1-5$ and show it to some Indie/retro Youtubers for a Pac-plosion maybe... because i only got to know about it by searching every pac-games in

PC version please! ʕ♡ᴥ♡ʔ

(1 edit)

Very nice take on classic Pac-Man... i was waiting for an endless version like that! (there is much potential in adapting this) <3

i see nicely "random fruit spawns" in the maze for points, and an incentive to get near/enter ghost-house for nice power-ups to go (or something_useful/big_points)

No sound so, at that moment?

(1 edit)

Scanned with , and found no virus on the 14 anti-virus.

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(4 edits)

Superb! (love the 2P game and useful options! <3 )

Thank you for the great range of difficulty! (3 to 5 ghosts; 50% to 200% speed; Bonus Power-up and Plus mode and other!).

The "Full-Screen entire maze option" (1 &2p) is genius! *Applause!*

(4 edits)

Nice seeing the early screenshotz! 

(fun fact: if you download the game from, the .zip archuve is called "moonbase" too yet! hihihi Got'ya! =^^=)

nice color palette!

(1 edit)

Those are some very good (& clean) ideas!

(4 edits)

So i am late-game with many colored dots on the map, and i am wondering were to go  to swoop specific ressources  (in a dense area with that even better), even combining 2 types for one travel etc... Some are very visible (purple, green, orange), some less (shade of greys, shade of yelllows, shade of blues). I was looking for scrap metal (hardest to see in the middle of all!)... Then it hits me!   

*BOINK! ʕ→ᴥ←ʔ*

Why not use/change the "radar/navigation tower" (left click) to also scan/open the map, and select a ressource (in a menu) to "look-for" (a good cluster luckily)... which could then blink in a fluo color (full red, green, blue, or pink for example) to easily locate them! (amongst many others). There is no "click usage" for that building, so a good addition/idea IMO! ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔ (player friendly and all that)

(2 edits)

Just an idea, but i was wondering if the artefacts could have a "pseudo-random" value (>=3  & <=7) upon scanning and showing the picture of it; The average would be 5 so, but being lucky or not could change the flow of your updating etc... (and the search for artefacts would be more interesting, less linear etc... players would think "maybe i found a good one this time?!". Finally, "adding points" to the total should feel like "science/discovery", more than "unlocking with a block". Could be nice! ʕ•ɷ•ʔ ).

Something like this maybe for pseudo-randomness:  

[ 3pts=>10%    4pts=>20%      5pts=>40%       6pts=>20%     7pts=>10% ]

(to counter-balance too much luck or misery lol) Just to add some spices to all that, and to justify  "scanning" the moony thingy! ʕ→ᴥ←ʔ

Hihihi. You evil genius! ʕ•ᴥᵕʔ

Good "beta testing" though! catz thankx ya for your service! (=⚈ᆽ⚈=)∫

(1 edit)

Seems to be a good idea to had  various "points incentive" mini-missions! ʕ✧ᴥ✧ʔ (to replace/counter-balance some big-radius searching for the middle-game artefacts, before having a vehicule, or prefering that slow types of stuff  to make points etc...)

Maybe have a system to replace one mission per day if not fitting for us? (if they are "static", and not replace day by day)

If one do not care for that, they will skip it... so no worries here (no pain, no gain? lol).

One last thing to Cairn4: The change in v0.53 to build a rocket to "finish the mission & go home" was a good addition i think (love it!)  to galvanise the flow of the game, add an extra layer of crafting (easier with all the upgrades to do!), and a final solid goal (doubled by an interesting mecanic to reach a far away base!) Way to go! *clapclapclap*

(2 edits)

Yeah, the slugs are interesting to fight! ʕ✧ᴥ✧ʔ Love Them! 

Good job on the v0.53 version! ʕづ•ᴥ•ʔづ♥

The dozer is a tank now, which is fitting for destroying "little annoying critters"! I like that too!

(3 edits)

In addition, when using the paintbrush to paint "special rooms", the left-click of the mouse  also "trigger the crafting window" of said rooms/bench... it is a little unsettling! ʕᵔᴥᵔ࣢ʔ 

Thinking about that, i would make the paintbrush "standalone" (no interfering with crafting) paints with left click , and deactivate too the normal right click (remove object on said tile) to quickly pass to the next color! ʕᵔᴥᵔʔ It seems smoother that way (and intuitive?!). Moving the mouse to select the tiny square for a color is a little cumbersome i observed! ʕ-ᴥ-ʔ An easy alternative like  right-click should help! <3

(5 edits)

So i came across an easily noticeable/reproductible bug with the paint-brush (which is much appreciated by the way for a little customisation!).

I painted  my base green, and i noticed if i quit & re-load (no need to quit the program) some rooms go back to the default color. It is only the "craftbench interior room", "Chemistry Lab", "interior-garden patches", & "reservoirs" for the moment. I saw that is was always the same  type of rooms that are problematic... (blank rooms, "fan rooms", "stockage rooms",  and airlocks seems to retain their colors ) But they should all be tested! ʕ•ᴥᵕʔ

I guess it is only a variable that is lost in the saving-reloading process etc... should be easy to see & fix!  ₍ᐢ•ﻌ•ᐢ₎

I think it is a good idea! ʕ✧ᴥ✧ʔ (could make night travel a nice ambience!)

Thankx Cairn4 for fixing/upgrading the Drill-Dozer <3! (destroys dead-trees now! Very useful to make roads & clear base-space now! Hourray!)

To Ameey: You can with the buggy (with enough speed) "one_shot/kill" a rock-crab/roaches by hiting it. But with the drill-dozer, no luck; Even with the "grinding front-jaws active", it comically spits it out at the back unharmed! XD Could be fun to kill it that way in the future ;-) ! (because it is not so easy to have one just in front of you... with the slow turn & backing speeds of the Dozer! Seems satisfying when that goes well! :-P )

(5 edits)

Yep, it is not explained! ;-) Fair point! (the items are "trembling" in the sand-storm,  pointing to that "blurred danger" but that's all! :-P) A line in the tutorial warning about "items on the ground could disappear" could be nice! You had no luck that your first loss was an artifact, but generally players found about that with a "random object" that they didn't need. :-D The game has an "explorating feeling" to it, and you must understand some things by yourself (beware of lightning storms too BTW! hahaha).

I tried/test_run a "quick storage module play", and it takes me about 15/20m to unlock it. Most of the time the 1st artefact is near your landing spot (to quickly convey their existence to you!), and after creating a smelter, you can have the "reasearch lab" (artifact scanner) rapidly. The only thing that can be tricky here, is finding the second needed artifact around your base at some distance! (@_@) But it is an "early game" unlocking here nonetheless. (two artifacts needed only)

It forces you to manage your inventory so; and be limited by it in very early game. (first times i played, i had a whole inventory on the ground thinking "Ho, i don't need storage at all! why bother with it?!" hahaha. And then i saw the sandstorm eating random objetcs on the ground! :-O And so i learned! The experience here is understanding that fact, and thinking about/toward a "safe storage" early in the game next time (that focalises you toward the next useful goal, to search artifacts and venture around... that is a good mecanic/flow for the game IMO!) =^^=

You must also decide/balance the choices of having (when collecting artefacts) sotrages, or other priorities (like better foods, better tools, paving, etc...) which adds depth to the early strategy of the game too. (you can play differently a few times to optimise all that! And find your playstyle!)

Yes, it is intended. (for some time now).

It is to emphase that the ground is not a "inventory of fortune" (it works for a short time to organise construction or free some  space, but if a rare sandstorm begins, you must hurry to pick all up!) If you want a safe  inventory, create a stockage-module! (with a few metal-ores)  It adds value to the latter (beyond practicality). 

The game is all-too-easy (friendly) with the player on a lot of things, so it is quite alright IMO. =^^=

I agree on that topic. 

But i think Cairn4 gave himself some room to implement later mini-upgrades if needed! =^^=

(6 edits)

It's me again, the neighboring  Kitty! XD

So i was testing further "The Dozer"™ , and i was happy to see that it could bulldoze directly "living tree"! So i was thinking "Ho it is great! To create roads easily, i will only need a shovel  to remove ore patches in the way, and everything else (that is not bulldozed, like plants & ice etc...) could be picked by hand! Nice!" and then... Dozer-San (Japanese suffix :-P) hit a "dead tree" :-OOO => Impossible to bulldoze! NOOooooo! *my world crumbles*.

So here, i don't think that is a feature... ?! (but an oversight?) It makes very sense that it can bulldoze trees in the way (and that is very useful!), but "dead trees" (aka "a less robust tree than a living tree, or a ROCK per definition") should be added to the mechanics of that too obviously! B->


For the record, i also notice for sprites that are not "blocking  the way" (like plants & mushroom here; the rest is fine)  for a vehicle... are not well hidden (like for an "ore patch" or "lost wood" where there is no problem) when "driving over". Especially the blue mushroom & the sour tuber (with the buggy) that are  respectively totally & 90% appearing on top (and at high speed, it is worse!) when we drive over it. For the green plant, the 'nose of the vehicle' hides it normally & then it "springs" back over again around the middle... :-P weird!

I hope that is useful! =^^=

Thank a lot! <3 o/

Please continue this awesome game (has a lot of potential & cuteness!) with your awesome quality & spirit! Wish you best success for that! B->

(2 edits)

A suggestion (than i can't make into a new topic alone, because it is sooo a joke in itself lol) is for the "granola bar" (15% speed boost! it is genius! love it!). 

The recipe is "one green seed + one brown seed" (imitating a "granola/cereal" bar!), but i think it lacks one thing XD the "fruit part" of the bar hahaha! (remember the dried-fruits in those "healthy/energy" bars?) I suggest for the joke of it, to add "+1 fruit" (very easy to collect, it is no big deal at all!) to the recipe for it to be "truthful"! hahaha. (i am against too many ingredients for a recipe, but here it makes the most funny sense! without a drag at all! XD It adds "profoundness" i think.)


I suggested long ago that the color of the seeds were changed too (brown & green!) to be coherent. Because when planting a green seed (later in our inventory or storage), we expect a "green grass" out of it... and for a brown seed, we naturally expect a "mostly brown tubercule"! (like the orange seed, for the orange tree/fruit! Make sense!). It is counter-intuitive (i was wondering what was going on early in the game with that! it confused me a great deal lol) i think it can be swap easily for the new players! <3 Please consider it! (i don't see a downside to that! apart re-coding it!).


In the middle-late game, we have also some "orange seeds" that are useless (one cat doesn't need more than 6 trees for the "regular fooding"), so i suggest an even more awesome power/granola-bar with a 30% speed boost with a intricate/costly recipe! (maybe "1 original bar + 2 /3 fruits + 2 orange seed" to boost it; like the "mushroom soup" that boosts for health the "original sour-tubercule soup" !)


I suggest too now that i am thinking of it... a "cooking station/oven" with the "cooking module" too to make meals (granola-bars, the different meals, etc... because it seems very weird to me to make/prepare it with the other dirty "tools & metal/technology"! A lovely kitchen module would be epic/cute! hahaha. =^^= (and make sense! (@_@) )

And like the orange fruits that are edible directly (for almost nothing in the hunger meter), i suggest adding (& replacing the "plant slop") to the "green plants" (space cabbage! yeah!) direct-edibility [or just make "a salad" per plant, if you want crafting to be required for that to not unbalance the early dynamics of the game) for the early game (hunger value like fruit maybe, maybe a little higher because more scarcity of it)  to make it more coherent & fun! (with raw fruits, transformed water & raw plants, it should be enough for the early game... but it will require a constant search/look_out for them, because of their low values for the hunger meter, and will be time-consuming/annoying to "eat" one by one..., which is funny/balanced i think for the early game! The eating-animation will work well and be admired often in that case! lol) 

In my opinion, even the first "plant meal/slop" is kind of advanced (you can live of it very easily searching only for plants all the time; its a life style here! but they are other options!), and one can rely on it very far into the game, making the "cooking update" not very tempting to take in the beginning in my opinion (for new players also).

One way to increase easily the difficulty & challenge of the game (without resources sliders for each resources type, that could be hard to code if all is well balanced/interdependent in the code, like discussed in the topic here : ) could be to have a simple "x2", "x3",  (etc...) difficulty option for the recipes (doubling the necessary ingredients for a recipe, for the x2 option obviously!). Should be easy enough to code i think, and make a difference for the players searching for a challenge! (that way it increased the gameplay ever more,  without deteriorating the relative balance of all things!) 

I agree with you for the "abundance of resources sliders" in the "world menu options" to tweak difficulty! (like wanting a ever-sunny planet but with scarce resources!) I suggest tweaking "food related stuff" (survival difficulty) , ore (crafting progress), rock (road & RTG making, landscape accessibility) & artifacts (overall progress) separately if possible  to adjust for different playing-styles! (for ex, if artefacts are scarce, you will need a vehicle ASAP to find them quickly! It can be combined with the "unlock tech tree" option to adjust for that increased difficulty and make worthy challenges!)

Thankx Cairn4 for the "weather/calamity sliders" in v0.51 by the way! (even if i think that the "max weather" setting could be harder; You could add one with "a very strong/infernal" option, to have maybe 66% chance to have a weather event in the day (maybe 33% weather-calamity at night which are dangerous! :-O )... so when there is a clear-sky day it feels like a "good fortune"! XD (i don't know well the setting for the "more/bad weather" option in v0.51, but after playing it 30 days in-game i had a 'feel for it' (and it is not enough! lol); maybe double it to make it more present in the "infernal weather option" for a challenge! B-) )

Hello Cairn4!

I was playing  " 71 MB  Version 0.51" and testing the dozer!  (seems a great idea!)

I had a handful of 'rocks & radioactive ore' in the trunk of the vehicle, and then saved the game & exited. When i loaded again, the trunk was EMPTY!  I tried again several times (viewing or not the content of the trunk before saving; just saving without quitting the game itself and load immediately after; playing the game with "run as administrator" too) and each time, the trunk was empty when loading my save. :'''-(

I think here reasonably ,that the content of the dozer storage is not (well) saved when the game is "saving & exiting" one way or another! :-O Nobody will like that! XD 

(sidenote suggestion: I would like to see in the game a simple "bin" to dispose of old/useless items, delete them so. There is no need to make another module i think, the "recycling machine" can do that for other things than "scraps" in my opinion, making it way useful! Maybe even for items made with metals give "bonus recycling scraps"  in the process?! Could serve a double purpose here! :-D)

Groooovy! ;-D (F1 console: Yeah, i tested the future rocket that way! B-) héhéhé)

If i see other "evident" bugs like that, i will post it. I test/write & debug some games & progz from times to times so i have the "alert eye" :-P

Thankx for this awesome little game by the way! =^^= (always dreamed of a little/happy futurist cute survival game with a cat in it! <3 ) 

Happy to help to make it better!