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A member registered Nov 30, 2018

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Your rant full of insults, name calling, and a laughable "you're not allowed to be critical unless you create something" stance at the end really isn't going to convince me that any of these generative algorithms are good and cool, or that you're a reliable authority on the subject at all.  Maybe chill out with the caps lock and try to think about things beyond what your tech bro friends tell you.

lol no

And that makes it better?  What do you think the dialogue is modeled off of, their own writings?  Or is it just scraped together from other existing works?

They're using ai tools instead of making something or hiring someone.  Those tools are built upon stolen work.  

Stock images exist.

At least make an effort to create something original instead of relying on these image generating bots that run off of stolen artwork.

Eew ai.  At least TRY to make something on your own instead of stealing from the hard work of others.