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A member registered Nov 12, 2022

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This is one of the only "free roam" open world type Hgame here! It's not bad, seems clunky. The bow and arrows for example do not function correctly, the arrows fly 2 cm to the right of the aiming dot.  

I see a lot of potential in this game, good luck! 

It's cute! I just wish there was more to the game. There should be a controls list in the game. There is no real goal, collecting the teleporters just allows teleportation between useless places. The monsters are so slow that you can outrun them all, there isn't even a kill count.  I mean no offense when I say all this, lastly the only great thing about it is that sweet ass and you can  lightly customize her.

you press E on the box infront of the 1st room teleporter