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A member registered Nov 07, 2019

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I played on all endings and it was so good, but short for me (ಥ﹏ಥ). One route - one day and when it's ended i was like "I WANT MORE!!!!" I played in this order Zeikun > Junoru > Kurato > Sachiro.

Zeikuns route: i played it first because i liked Zeikun the most in the demo and expected much from him(„ಡωಡ„). His route answered all my expectation. Story and romantic line was good, but sometime i was thinking that protagonist spend more time with Kaichi than with Zeikun(not like i'm mind (~˘▽˘)~). And I'm cried the most in his normal end(i was not ready for so many deaths). Ikuya and Lioji are such good friends, i started ship them without noticing it.

Junoru route: this route was depressin, i'm not good with sad stuff, but i liked story part most of all routes. His route cardinally changed my opinion on side characters. I liked Chain the most of side characters after demo, but when i played Junoru route i nearly started to hate him. He didn't have  any evidence, but still kills Roya(in every damn route, poor boy (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ) and even tried to kill Junoru. Junoru was so good pure boy and didn't try to take revenge for Roya. But Chain still come for him and Junoru ends up killing him PROTECTING protagonst. I was feel so bad for Junoru on this moment. Romantic part on this route was so CUTE ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ , i could't stop smiling because of  Junorus red cheeks(´ ε ` )♡. But then.... my bigest problem of this game started.... twins. I liked them so much during this route, especially Blace he was so my type that i could't take my eyes off him heh.

Kurato route: this route was most shocking for me. Didn't expect his background to be so interesting. But to be honest, i was too in love with twins on this moment that when they show up i completely forgot about Kurato(i'm so sorry m(_ _)m). I feel like 28 achievement was created for me...

Sachiro: at first i didn't want to play his route because can't see such little boy(not only in appearance) as love interes.  I started it for the bonus content, but end up liking him the most of the main boys lol. His older form turned out to be so cool, charming and hot(hot spring moment (* ̄ii ̄)).

Generally after played all routes i changed my fav main boy(from Zeikun to Sachiro), changed my fav side boy(from Chain to Blace), shipping Lioji/Ikuya and have this sort of questions: Why Chain hates supernatural beings? What was Rasumis goal?  Why Roya wanted to die? Why twins killed Junoru and Roya parents? How Kurato traveled into the future? Horror part was created so good that even i(playing horror games with poker face) was feel little nervous. Story part was interesting and kept attention my attention from the start to end. Romantic part was like special for each route it was filled with different emotions, but in the end i wanted more romantic moments and CG on it( ಠ ͜ʖ ಠ).  Graphic part was on the pro level. So game was more than what i expected and i held my hand up for fandisk for this game.