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A member registered Dec 19, 2021

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Really needs some time pressure to encourage riskier play, it is just simply too methodical and easy while the mechanics could have more depth. Like more enemies spawning the more turns you take. I could take everything very slow because I would just re-roll until I got the exact number to get to. Also, after enemies are cleared, it is trivial work to walk around collecting the money and leaving, I'd either have that auto collect and end the level without you having to putter around the stage OR I would just have a turn limit, or maybe enemies take more hits if you wait around too long, or maybe enemies enter the stage if you take too many turns. It could be like golf, where par is the level as is, and then anything above par would have some sort of pressure to encourage the player to finish the level quickly, like the ghost in Spelunky.

Like this one a lot. Simple to grasp, lots of risk and reward. I think that the level pass is a bit too high on some of them, but I like the riskier pay off of gambling and the tiers of difficulty, and balancing that with upgrades for your die resetting every round. Great start!

Neat idea. Would have liked a bit of depth in the numbers, as you are always going to want to reroll to a larger number, which ruins the pacing a bit. Would be interesting if 1 had just 1 large jump, 3 had 3 medium jumps, and 6 had 6 little jumps, so your rerolls would affect both the power AND the mobility. Little bit of risk and reward, and adapting to different ways to move. Solid start to something.

Game simply did not work, would shoot out a dice, but no camera would follow the dice. No UI. Wish I could have played.

Interesting idea, though the battlefields/terrain could use some work to make it interesting, and also make it a bit more clear where the enemy placement is. Sometimes they are blocked by UI or by trees. Like the risk/reward in attack/defense/speed/hp loss. Good work!

It has a good foundation, but it is strange why you would ever want to re-roll after you got a score you were happy with as it would just erase and likely become negative.

Very interesting idea with changing your dice faces, it was just a bit too unbalanced. I didn't realise what the dice changing mechanic was until after I had chosen, could have been clearer. A bit of tweaking and a robust tutorial would go a long way.