For sure, and I keep seeing people mention things that I cant replicate at all, like being able to fight the parasites
A member registered Oct 02, 2022
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What do you want to see next? comments · Replied to Yebeje in What do you want to see next? comments
What do you want to see next? comments · Replied to Yebeje in What do you want to see next? comments
- more slime girl content, idk if im dumb but all that effort and i couldnt figure out if it did anything
- magic items that actually do stuff, like more and not just images
- more events, like random city explorations or something
- more characters, you dont interact with hardly anyone
- progress bars, its wierd spending a bunch of time clicking and buying potions only for them to not do anything, at first i thought it was broken.
- expanded jobs, a way to upgrade and improve them and events from them etc. candy store does this well.
- more expansion, the upper limit is kinda small for these kinda games
- significant other, and multiple options for it once your kinda far into the game.
- interactions with the nemesis character
- one really important thing is reactions to growth effects, really helps it hit home because the only affect from a ton of back and forth grind is if you click mirror and she slightly changes
just some random thoughts i had
best of luck!
Retrospective and Future Stuff comments · Replied to FeelinImpish in Retrospective and Future Stuff comments