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A member registered May 31, 2022

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Not bad, noticed that if you throw yourself at a ledge while holding a magnet you can get caught slightly, as the character and the magnet have collision but the tether between them doesn't. Might be a space for a new mechanic, a thin floor piece (zip-line) that has to be traversed with a magnet. Maybe having to alternate polarity to progress down the line. Another issue, when holding down for aimed throw, you come to a stop; i.e. no aimed throws on the move. Not sure if it is intentional design, but It might be limiting on design space for puzzles. also, If you go to replay a level, there is no key or placeholder. Only way to leave a level you are replaying is to esc. and return to hub. That maybe fine, but it needs at least a phantom key in the replayed level to show what the objective of the level was, otherwise its a question without an answer. The reset level button might need a better indicator, currently there is a slight delay when pressing control before it engages. There isn't much feedback on if it is registering your button press, it took several seconds to realize that it was a press and hold prompt rather than a simple push. Might need to adjust the level hub or increase the characters move speed. 6 levels was about 1 level too many to walk past to get to the next level. Maybe spawn in the middle with 3 pipes to each side, and next batch of levels is a pipe overhead? Sorry for the wall of text. good luck with the game!