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Ulay Lee

A member registered Jun 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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that was heart-breaking. I hope you’re doing well now

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Thank you James!!! :) I really enjoyed this video. Thanks for keeping the community spirit alvie :)

Long live RMIT games hahah

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There’s a French speaking audio playing in the background as soon as I got into the SPACE??? what is happening lol

one of the best video game toilets…

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Wow this is amazing! I love the atmosphere so much. Great work!

Very promising game! Can't wait to see where the story goes next... 

This game is so well designed and polished!  A bit hard for me but if you like environmental puzzle game (like the Witness) you'll enjoy this! (also I guess I'm stuck in eternal hell? lol)

Hahahah this game is fun! I love the comedy and the array of characters. 

(if you got stuck in the game like me: please download the HOTFIX version lol)

Lovely game, I find it strangely emotional and spiritual... great work!

This game is gorgeous... definitely a place I would revisit many, many times. I do wish I could sit down in this game tho, just to watch the view quietly:)

I made them lilipads pink just for you, Robbit.

I'm eating berries and licking sheep in this game! That's everything I want in life

I love everything in this game!