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A member registered Jul 21, 2023

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i get an error when trying to run the game that opens a note and says 

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

Before loading the script.

error: Error -3 while decompressing data: unknown compression method

does anybody know how to fix?

(1 edit)

just finished .6 and all I got to say is WOW for the h scenes and for that ending. Marvelous. I really love the story and characters, and all the little references, so good, I even saw you went back to change the Twitter thing in that quiz and changed it to X. So good. I just had to play more so I went back to your other game. And im still excited to play that too but you can really tell you improved in from the last game, not just in models but backgrounds , music ,and  storytelling. You are great 

does this affect the whole game? Like will the new images and stuff be put in the beginning or does it resume? Sorry haven’t got to the end 

i really like the story of this so far, and the the female characters look great and are interesting. Need more of my girls daila and Alex tho. Great game I look forward to everything you do from now on.