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A member registered Nov 07, 2020

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Hey there, great game, great art, good layout and I can certainly feel justified fighting opponents... One smallllll issue though. Why in the hell are there so many damn random encounters??? And if its necessary for there to be so many then, why in the hell do they take so damn long??? Leaving utopia through that forest section honestly made me just turn it off and take a nap man.  If anything let crits do triple damage like those Fire Emblem games or let me know when an enemy is almost dead so at least I know when I can start relaxing or even allow me to use the cat's heal outside battle.  I know old snes games had lots of encounters, I get that, but that's not exactly what made them good games. And also give me the option to kill the rapists...

TL;DR Fighting takes too long , combat mechanics need refining and let me slaughter the rapists. Thanks for reading bud.