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A member registered Jan 09, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thanks bro. :)

Your visual style is amazing. How do you support so many zombies undead?

What engine do you use? Can you make a build for WEBGL?

(1 edit)

Thanks for the comment. It's still work in progress, but there is a windows build download with the first level above the comment section :)

Thank you! I'm looking for feedback to make it better, so if you have any comments or ideas that You think would improve the game, please tell :)

you can reset after you win and jump on end screen

I lost!

The pixel art looks really cute!

Thank you! :)

Thanks :)

Thanks bro :)

Should they walk or am I doing something wrong?
Made a path and pressed space

Thanks! :)

Thanks :)

Cool chests bro

Pretty cool game. I love the chill vibes. The UI looks slick and nice.
The puzzles are pretty easy. It's kinda hard to place the pieces with a mouse. You can sometimes put the pieces in such a way they overlap outside the board. I also had a bug where I had to pick up a piece and put it back at the same spot to register a win.

got 1820

Yes. "You can use the art provided by this asset pack for personal and commercial use."

I can if I press alt+enter 

Nice game!
IMHO, the background is pretty distracting, would be nicer to just have it blank.
Ideas: 100 hp, hits hit you for 40, 1hp/5sec regen, and enemies have random drops. Drops could be 10 hp heal, bullet bouncing shield for 3sec, etc... Additionally, every 30s a dice is thrown on the blank space on the side of the screen and an event happens according to the roll, for example, 3 new enemies spawn, you get 5 points, etc.

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cool! At first, I couldn't figure out you need to jump into the pit in level 4. This is against all gamer instincts.

Put some info on controls at the start of the game. Also, they are not intuitive.
I had a room with nowhere to go. Just a blocked wall. Worked after refreshing the website.

I love it. Took me around 5 hours to clear the game. Got 4 medals, and killed the evil cursed frog.

Thank you! :)

Garlic Bible let's go!

Why can't I jump with up arrow?

These are cool, I want more! :)

(1 edit)

Thanks for the comment :)
I also had to take notes for the last one :D
I tried on chrome, edge, opera, and firefox and it works ok for me. Maybe it's a problem with some extension.
What is your monitor resolution?

You are welcome, pal.

Cool :)

add a shortcut to advance one frame without blinkin

When the time runs out you get an infinite alert loop.

Cool idea, but the opponents are really unpredictable

a comment in the comment section

I like your game page, the graphics and typography look sweet.

Tip: use the Better WebGL template from github instead of the default

Pop up menu with the elements is bugged and can't be closed.

Doesn't work can't select character. Tried clicking with the mouse, space enter qwertyuioopasdgjfdghkl;'zcxn b,bg and nothing happens
