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A member registered Oct 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hey sick use of the limitation!

Hey For those game creators out there that need some reviews! Let's help each other out!

I love the use of the limitation! I couldn't escape the main room, the door wouldnt open! Got the shleep ending

Nice use of the limitation. Had trouble when my boxes on the right only required things that weren't in season, other than that, great job!

Good use of limitation. Would be more fun if the scroll was faster or there were more color clouds I needed to make in a shorter amount of time for a more faster paced experience

I got an error when I died, SICK DARK SOULS DEATH scene. Game was hard and the second jump in the beginning was the worst! didnt realize I could tab, ended up doing a shotgun recoil second jump

Beautiful game, clouds lookin funky!

Sick use of the limitation! Reminds me of Katamari!

Hey cool concept! I spent a long time trying to phase through spirits to kill them when I had fire for earth spirits, eventually learned that standing still killed them. Should add something to the How to play section on that and also allow for players once playing to go back to the How to section. Great use of limitation!

Took me some time to figure out the controls. Also the user can interact with the charge bar too. Interesting idea, confused on how to win tho!

Clean n pretty game, was confused at first, I tried avoiding the ufos and kept losing, once I learned that I had to eat them it was fun! :)

No UFO, no FISH! :(

Fun fast paced game, looks clean too!

Beautiful game!!!!!!!!!!

Sick game! I loved the dialogue between the characters and art style!

I made the music loop! Thanks for letting me know! :)

Thanks for letting me know! I added a win screen! :)

Had fun working through the first room. BTW in win screen, the cursor doesn't leave the camera.