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A member registered Dec 12, 2016 · View creator page →

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You're welcome CreeperPOWERgames

Undo, redo, and grouping aren't implemented. Other shortcuts should work, make sure they are correctly binded and enabled in the settings.

I'll try my best to see if I can fix this issue, but there isn't a whole lot I can do (at least not that I can think of,) it's simply due to how floating point numbers work, they are only so accurate.

Click the download button

no eta, sometime soon


gray screen, lame

good game but i am a bad player

fun idea, obviously needs a ton of work but could be really cool

i die

very neat game, however it's pretty loud

Brilliant game, wish there was WebGL build

it'd be cool if the ball slowly sped up or something to add a bit of extra challenge, but this is real good as a first game like zek said

although it starts off hard it gets much easier once you get enough money to get a new car. my only complaint is that turning is pretty slow, but the car mechanics are really nice and i love the artstyle. very fun running over zombies lol

(1 edit)

very fun to try beating my previous score, i like these kind of games

i love how the difficulty is somewhat synced with the intensity of the music, starts off pretty nice calm and easy then before you know it your phone just has cancer or something

very nice artstyle and simple yet fun gameplay

You can kill people by throwing pingu at them, 10/10